Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Flashback, and new characters

I was never happy with the way the relationship with the client was detailed in the original so I've introduced a flashback section in Chapter Three, which had originally been handled partly by way of exposition, and partly by way of follow-up phone call from client.
I'm also introducing two new characters in this chapter: one, an ex New York cop buddy of Hans, who recommends him for the job; and secondly, Van Buren's loyal secretary
I may decide later on to move this Chapter to the beginning of the novel because as much as I don't care for detailed expository sections, neither am I much of a fan of flashbacks.
But at the moment I don't think this flashback section will upset the flow of the novel too much.

I'm conscious of the fact, also, that, although I still have the plot of the original novel in my head, and the scene and character details, this may only be the first of a number of deviations from the original.
I'm also conscious, though, of the need to finish each chapter with the reader wanting more


  1. Just dropping by to say "Hello", having found your blog link on "Detectives Beyond Borders".

    Wishing you every success.

  2. Thanks, PàD
    I'm motoring quite nicely now, after a number of interruptions since I started on it.
    I'll probably be posting more regular updates as I'm currently averaging over 1,200 words a day, or what should be 6,000 words per week from now on
